Friday, February 24, 2012

Shamra vs. the Self Cleaning Bathroom

I feel bad about the lack of exciting things to write about lately, and the other day I was talking to a friend who reminded me of something that happened in Rome when we were there last year. Some of you might have heard about this, but I thought it was funny and bizarre enough to share!

So, we went to Rome as a part of our European Art History Study Abroad, and took the metro pretty much everywhere. One day, on the metro to the Colosseum, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. The group decided to go ahead, and I went to the metro toilets. First of all, I had to put euros in a slot to even get it to open, which was tricky because the door would seal itself when someone was inside, and it didn't say whether it was occupied or  not. So I finally got in, and it closed and sealed (with some finality) behind me. This freaked me out a little, since I am pretty claustrophobic, and the toilet was a dark little room. The floor was rubber and wasn't solid, it was like a grate. The walls were the same black rubber, which was kind of weird. So, I am finishing inside, and I hear these guys outside the toilet, trying to figure out how to get their money in, even though I was inside. I could hear the money going in, and all of the sudden, a red light starts flashing and a woman's voice starts shouting in Italian...something like "Lavaggio, lavaggio..." And I knew enough Italian to think, "Why is someone shouting 'WASH! WASH!"...and suddenly, water starts coming up from  the floor, the ceiling, even the walls. I panicked, and tried to get out, but the door was sealed (turns out when someone tries to get in, it triggers the seal so it can clean...stupid boys!!) So, brave soul that I am, immediately starting having a panic attack- crying, hyperventilating, the works. Meanwhile, I am getting completely drenched. Finally, the water stops and drains through the floor, and the door opens, and everything is completely normal- except the fact that I walked out of the toilet with red, swollen eyes, soaked from head to toe, with slightly asthmatic wheezing. The boys just started at me like I was absolutely insane. Granted, this whole thing (though it felt like hours) only lasted for less than three minutes. So I run outside, to my professor who had decided to wait for me- if any of you know MJ, he is stoic. Completely calm, very unemotional. The Professor Binns of BYU, if you will. Hilarious, and great, but a very, very dry sense of humor. He looked at me, blinked a few times, and then said, "The metro has self cleaning bathrooms." And I said, "Oh." And then he laughed, very briefly, and said, "Come on." And that was that. Me with my dripped wet hair, soggy clothes, tear streaked face with mascara all over my cheeks, following MJ to the Colosseum. It was pretty cool. But I don't think I will go back. And I will NEVER use the self-cleaning bathrooms at the metro again.
Hi peeps. So not a whole ton has happened since I blogged last- pretty much daily life. I got massively lost in Dublin the other day, so here are some pictures from that great adventure.

Sweet church

 Biggest used bookshop I've ever been to. Heavenly.

Mini middle east. Felt extremely female and extremely Caucasian when I walked down this street. And sort of unwelcome...

 We went to a prison (me, Giampaolo- my phone calls him Guampoalo so I still don't know the proper spelling of his name, Tim- known as Trim on my phone, and his friend Phillip who was visiting to Germany. Credit goes to Phillip for the pics due to my aversion of picture taking and lack of camera.) The prison was AWESOME. On the right is what I would call "gen pop" - if you watch Prison Break, this is where majority of prisoners are held. Unless you are Michael Scofield, in which case, no prison can hold you. On the right is where they would hang people on death row. Below is where they would shoot people. Too bad these folks didn't have a good DA- like Alex from Law and Order SVU, or Elliot Stabler to investigate their crimes. Or Michael Scofield to break them out of jail. Or that guy from the Count of Monte Cristo to tunnel them out with a spoon.

 The weirdos in the flesh. They put up with all my prison jokes so they're pretty cool.

 A few days ago I went to Dublin Bay (a ten minute walk from where I live). Really pretty, and actually a warm day, so naturally I wore my chacos. It's been a long winter without them.

 Me trying to be photogenic and failing. I still have pink in my hair. Don't ask how it's still there.